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Adding a picture, a photograph or a sculpture in a house is not easy.

Combining paintings from different periods and styles, harmonizing them with the mood of the home you need good taste, attention and time on the part of those who have refined their aesthetic sense.

It is common to think that to add a piece of art, perhaps with the sole purpose of decorating the house, you are suppose to spend a lot of money.

In fact, I am assuming that art improves our lives, generates emotions and makes our home unique.

There are artists who are not super-quoted, who work on commission and allow the interior designers to coordinate colors and styles of the house.

It is a different story to be a collector; it makes no sense to take a famous painting (perhaps false) if the goal is to furnish and make the home more welcoming, unless you have a high budget.

We need to think that the work of art is an egocentric object, which is able to live on its own. It may be that the environment revolves around that piece (imagine the effect of a canvas inserted in a white wall in an empty entrance).

During the set-up I would say to favor contrast and to position the art worksin order to be able to use them.

Often paintings can be seen placed over sofas or above beds. It is assumed that I must feel something when looking at the work, so it is essential to be able to see it from the front (if it is above the bed I have to turn!).

So if we like the piece a lot it will dominate the environment, no matter the furniture.

In this regard there are the rules for placing pictures and frames. Sometimes I see pictures, even beautiful, which seem to fly or are positioned in the middle of the wall as "santini". It may be useful to start from an imaginary median line drawn at 5/8 of the wall (if the wall is 280 cm high, the median will be 175 cm). But without going crazy with the super-technical proportions, it will suffice that our eye looks at more or less half of the picture. It is important not to place the paintings above sources of heat in order not to accelerate aging, or put them in contact with sunlight because it would cause fading.

The work should be illuminated from above and not sideways to avoid any possible defects or annoying reflections.

The compositions should be tailor made, perhaps making a pattern on paper. You can decide to use the entire wall or just part of it, following a square or rectangular geometric shape. Horizontal alignment can be useful when the underlying part is occupied by furniture or sofas. Vertical alignment can be considered simple when the wall has no other elements.

Even the photos, in color or in black and white, are often works of art and can be used to set up wall surfaces.

The whole engraving world deserves a special mention, which boasts works of great value, although in these past years have gone a little forgotten in our country.

All the posters, that are serial prints of famous paintings, can be framed, but they will never have the strength of the original work. It may be more interesting to buy the numbered and autographed editions of smaller but higher quality works, guaranteed by serious art galleries.

It is more complicated for sculptures: they need a pedestal or their own space and not be placed in the middle of a thousand other objects in order to be enhanced. If they are large, they can replace furniture since they are pieces to be viewed at 360 °.

The art world should also be considered in objects such as vases, glass, ceramics or furnishings, carpets, tapestries or material surfaces.

Art has always been a source of inspiration for furniture, design and furnishing accessories, when not the furniture itself.

If, however, our budgetis limited, but we still want to create a scenic effects, we can work with creativity and imagination.

Cheap but original solutions can frame a piece of valuable fabric, glue a wallpaper into a frame, arrange a sequence of frames maybe old and different materials or hang different vintage plates by shapes and colors.

Relief mural phrases, writing or painting decorations directly on the wall give a beautiful, inexpensive and great result.

If, however, our budgetis limited, but we still want to create a scenic effects, we can work with creativity and imagination.

Cheap but original solutions can frame a piece of valuable fabric, glue a wallpaper into a frame, arrange a sequence of frames maybe old and different materials or hang different vintage plates by shapes and colors.

Relief mural phrases, writing or painting decorations directly on the wall give a beautiful, inexpensive and great result.

Without bothering famous authors we can nicely frame family shots and fill an entire wall that will have a great effect.

I will stop here because we are entering the world of decoration that opens a thousand other thoughts.

The goal that we should all pursue is to warm up walls that, if left empty, do not ignite or stimulate our emotions.

Works of art have the power to harmonize and make space unique.

We value and consider it important to make this investment as much as buying a super-advanced television or prestigious furniture, because it will make our home unique and inimitable!

ps. the works represented are only explanatory and the article can not be exhaustive of a theme as vast as it is complex.

I thank some authors, as well as friends, who appear here in some of my installations and that have allowed me to solicit a little 'this theme.

Gianpietro Cavedon, Ivo Mosele, Carla Villani, Paolo Giaretta, Fabio Basso


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