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What happens when you have so many ideas and your mind starts racing?

See, that is the time, usually at night, when ideas start to take form.

I need that moment, I can’t plan for it, it just happens.

I usually see a space, take a picture, measure it and make notes out of doodles.

I go home, and sometimes I immediately get to work, other times the paper remains on my desk for a time.

With this, it is also important to know the commissioner, talk to them, pick up their way of being, try to understand what they like, their feelings and personality. Everything then comes spontaneous, if I try to find a solution it’s just forced.

Then you choose the materials, colors, the finishing, and the puzzle where each element needs to fit starts. After this you start defining details, from doorknobs to skirting, all the way to the painting or carpet… and to the bedspread and matching flowers.

If people understood this process, they would understand how useful my work is. I say this because it’s not intuitive, often times it’s confused with selling furniture.

But it’s not like this: if you find harmonious, functional and ergonomic solutions, you save time, money, and work.

This creative process is the fruit of knowledge, experience, and often times intuition.

Using my profession with that of a carpenter, painter, decorator, plumber or upholsterer… it’s a complex thing.

It’s like being a director where each actor has their part, and everyone is fundamental for the outcome of the show.

If each actor does their own thing, maybe even perfectly acting their part, but without coordinating with others, the result would be a nonsensical comedy. This is what you often see uncoordinated rooms!

In the end, my job is repaid not only by the aesthetical and functional result, but from recognizing the joy of having interpreted the needs of others, often times not expressed or unclear.

If this would be understood, the creative process becomes a game and I have so much fun!

As Charles Ray Eames said “Details are not details, but the essence of the project”!


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