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What happened to decoration nowadays?

I had a chat with my friend, decorator and restorer Franca Bragagnolo.

C.- What do you think about this, Franca?

F.- Interior design has suffered a dullness that other forms of art have. Let me explain: colors have been put to the side to support refined whites and grays, tied to a minimalistic taste of design.

C.- I agree, but I feel there is a change of direction. I often use colors, decorations, wallpapers… admittedly they had not been utilized for a long time.

F.- That’s true, but decor as in a representation of an artistic heritage, as in knowledge of antique painting techniques and that carry a tradition and experience of entire generations of artists and crafters is something else.

detail of decoration with tempera and animal glues (by Franca Bragagnolo)

C.- So you are telling me that antique decorative techniques aren’t used or are only linked to historical buildings? And I, with other colleagues, don’t use them anymore because we think they aren’t adequate for contemporary locations?

F.- Yes, unfortunately these techniques require a knowledge of what can be done with them. For example: if I know that to make a peculiar and unique wall, I don’t have to finish it during the building process, so leave it without plaster, so I give myself the opportunity to create a decoration with another type of technique. This does not only give me an aesthetic result, but also a feeling linked to an idea that takes shape with the use of materials that are a testimony to our historical Italian tradition that is unique in the world.

winter garden : detail of wall decoration with tecnique of "grassello di calce", casein and colours

(by Franca Bragagnolo)

C.- This is great, but often time the objection to a handcrafted job is “how much will it cost?” we know well enough that it’s not easy to quantify. I think that people need to be reassured. When you realize a one-of-a-kind piece, be it an object or decoration or installation, you are creating a unique manufacture of great value and not something that can be replicated. This justifies the cost.

F.- Theoretically, yes, but practically there has been a loss of interest in unique pieces in favor of more recognizable ones, with brands, more reassuring as they follow the trend.

C.- I understand perfectly what you are saying. I would love for the commissioners to have more trust, to understand that suggesting more creative solutions can better satisfy their personality. Using a wallpaper, no matter how beautiful it is, that can be used by other people is never the same as in creating a personalized wall. If we move our attention to objects and furniture the comparison is even more evident. This is why I love to mix pieces of design that are recognizable and elements designed and decorated as unique pieces. It is also possible that the unique piece may cost less than the serialized branded piece.

F.- Yes, like that time I realized for you that mirror and painting with the “antique technique of gold gliding”.

C.- I want to talk about this on our next episode of “open dialogues”.

F.- Sure, this is where we say goodbye and until next time.

Franca Bragagnolo : restoration of "fresco" (artistic technique)




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